Poisonrecordz pham, Jnr sne, Veteran - Dedication songtext (lyrics)

[Poisonrecordz pham, Jnr sne, Veteran - Dedication songtext lyrics]

Lord jnr veteran dBO it's you up on this one
Coz u neva been da kind of
Nyggar that wìl always complain

Seems like this day nevar change
In everyday in a way
Feels like this world nevar change
Well i nevar been a kind of
Nyggar that will always complain

Thinking our lives have been a hell
Of a part in it
Having you in my lyf was nevar doubting it
But, you betrayèd me always making me a fool
Evrytime when im gone you always
Thought you were cool
In anyway i will nevar ever regret it
You can chase the door you
Can keep your ass moving
Coz i nevar bèen a kind of
Nyggar that will always complain
(always complain) you always lying
Im tired of trying
Now im free like the birds im flying
En please, don't coll me en ì won't coll you
Stay away from me en my family, family
Coz i nèva been the kind of
Nyggar tht wl always complain

En my dream was to be with you
My dream came true but you broke my heart
You took it apart
You broke ma heart (uwoooh)
Uthando lwam lwayilolwakho wedwa (yheeei)
I didn't expect this from you
Always know that you got secret
Room in my heart, im ma heart (uwhoohoo)
Ngaba kwaktheni na uzukheth' undi cheat (ela)
Ndenzeni na uzokheth' undijolela (heei)

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