Prezident, Hagestolz - Afterparty Skit songtext (lyrics)

[Prezident, Hagestolz - Afterparty Skit songtext lyrics]

After the show, it's the afterparty, yeah
After the party, it's the after-afterparty

Now, if you don't know what a coke wank is
Let me explain when you take about a gram
Of cocaine or so and
You get home and you're lying in bed and
Your friends are gone and the
Sun's about to come
Up and the depression's about to set in
You masturbate for around 4 hours
Then after you come
You realize something you didn't know
Before: You're almost dead
You're hеart's beating at a very irregular
Pacе, your mouth's like cotton
So you peel yourself off the mattress to get
Water but your thighs are cramping up
You walk away and turn around and you see a
Sweaty outline of your body on the sheet
And it looks like the shroud of Turin
Anyway, I was looking forward to doing that

I've always maintained that reality is for
People who can't face drugs

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