Ray Stevens - We the People lyrics
[Ray Stevens - We the People lyrics]
Grandma needs a new pace maker
And the doctor says, "I realize she's ill"
But there's talk of legislation
On all our medication
And maybe all we can do is
Put her on a pain pill
Whoa, me, hey Congress
You vote Obamacare
We'll vote you outta there
We the people have awakened to your tricks
You vote to let this pass
You'll be out on your
'Cause we the people have awakened
And to put it in words you might understand
If you had the common sense that
God gave a billy goat
You'd no doubt noticed that your constituents
The electorate, that's us, voters
Are onto your pork
Barrel-special-interest tax-and-spend-scam
Or, to put it more
Succinctly, "Heh, heh, heh, pff"
We've heard from Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh
What you've got in mind for grandma
And we found this O'Reilly fella on Fox
We're kinda like Joe the Plumber
And when we crunch the numbers
It all adds up to votin' you
Out at the ballot box
Heh heh heh heh
You vote Obamacare
We're gonna vote you outta there
We the People have awakened to your tricks
You vote to let this pass
You're gonna be out on your
'Cause we the people have awakened
And to put it mildly
We're harboring feelings of
Extreme alienation
Due to copious amounts of horse manure
That have been shoveled out
Of the White House and the Capitol Building
And we sense that we are
Being royally defecated upon, ha ha
Yeah, we're gettin' the impression
That you think
We are not relevant to these proceedings
And dismissing our input into the situation
Please tell Nancy Pelosi
We're gonna do the Hokey Pokey
Put the right ones in pull the left ones out
You vote Obamacare
We're gonna vote you outta there
We the People have awakened to your tricks
You vote to let this pass
You're gonna be out on your
Yeah, we the people have awakened
And you might want to start looking
For another line of work
How 'bout the medical profession? Ha, ha
Yeah, they're gonna need every one
That can put up
With the red tape and the pay cut
Hey, why don't you kill every last job
Tax every last penny and
Infringe on every God-given right to life
Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
'Cause let me tell you
Ain't nobody happy with you
We the people have awakened
And it occurs to me that
You might really like it down in Venezuela