Reinhard Mey, Victoria-Luise - Scarlet Ribbons songtext (lyrics)

[Reinhard Mey, Victoria-Luise - Scarlet Ribbons songtext lyrics]

I peeked in to say goodnight
When I heard my child in prayer
And for me some scarlet ribbons
Scarlet ribbons for my hair

All the stores were closed and shuttered
All the streets were dark and bare
In our town no scarlet ribbons
Scarlet ribbons for her hair
Through the night my heart was aching
Just before the dawn was breaking
I peeked in and on her bed, mhm

I peeked in and on her bed
In gay profusion lying there
Scarlet ribbons, lovely ribbons
Scarlet ribbons for her hair
If I live to be a hundred
I will never know from where
Came those lovely scarlet ribbons
Scarlet ribbons for her hair
Came those lovely scarlet ribbons
Scarlet ribbons for her hair

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