Resurrection Band - Glenn's Rap lyrics

[Resurrection Band - Glenn's Rap lyrics]

Twenty years later and the truth hasn't
Changed jesus said about himself, "I am
The way, " - and he is
He said, "I am the truth, " - and he is he
Said, "I am the life, " - and
He is and there's no truth, there's no
Life, there's nothing worth living
For outside of
A relationship with God through Jesus Christ
I truly believe that

A guy came to Jesus at one
Point and he said, "Good master
What must I do to inherit eternal
Life?" Very interesting question: "What must
I do to inherit
Eternal life?" Then Jesus answered
Him, he said, "Well
You shall love the Lord, your God, and you
Shall not lie, honour you mother and father
" and so on quoted a bunch of

The ten commandments this
Kid is sometimes referred to as the rich
Young ruler, and he said thishe said
"All these things I've done since
My youth" Good Jewish
Kid, went to synagogue, you know, he had
The ten commandments down - he understood
Up here at least jesus looks at him
With love and said, "This one thing you lack"
He said, "Go and sell your possessions
Give your money
To the poor and then come follow me" And it
Says that the young man went away sad
Because he had a lot of
Stuff isn't it interesting that
Almost two thousand years ago
Jesus Christ spoke squarely
To a young man who lost
Any real relationship with
God the Father on the basis of materialism?

See, in this day
Still so many people are lovers of pleasure
Rather than lovers of God we are
More concerned about our bank account
Than what God thinks
Of us it's time we wake up see
The word of God talks about
Pure religion being this: that
Youthat you take care of
Widows and orphans in
Their affliction, in their suffering
And you keep yourself unspotted from
The world what does
It mean to be a Christian? Now
I do believe it's by faith, not by works
That we're saved that nobody is
Justified by fulfilling the works
Of the lawbut what was Jesus saying
To this guy? "In your case
You're more concerned with materialism
Than a relationship
With God the Father" Another time he said
"The most important commandment is
To love the Lord, your God
With all your heart, mind
Soul and strength
And the second most important
Commandment is just like
It" Like, curious words out of
Jesus' mouth jesus' words
Not mine "You shall love your neighbour as
You love yourself as you've done
It unto the least of these, my brethren
You've done it unto me" What's it about
People? Is it about some cheap prayer we
Pray and sixty minutes a week
Or is it a relationship with God? No
Wonder people aren't coming to Jesus when
They see so little of him in those
Of us that call ourselves Christians
Why would they be followers of Jesus Christ
On the basis of our example?

Too many of us don't give food, or money
Or time to the poor too many of us
Are too busy with ourselves
And we are full of
A lot of thingsbut we aren't full of
Jesus Christ we try to fill
Our lives with so many things: success
Music, money, drugs, education yeah
Education - good stuff I mean education -
Fine, wonderful you know what
The Bible says: "The
Beginning of wisdom is the fear of
The Lord, reverence for God" How much of
Your time, your money, your effort, your
Life really belongs to him? Many
Of you prayed the prayer
But you're not living
For Jesus many of you need to pray:
"Forgive me, come into my heart
Help me to follow you"but
Then it's this messy business
Of following Jesus, of doing what he would
Do, of seeing people the way God
Would see them, of caring, of sharing
What little that you may have
To help your neighbour, regardless of his
Colour, regardless of his social standing god
The Father sent his son
And God the Son came into
The world to suffer for
Usfor what? - So we could pray a
Prayer and continue on just as we
Were that's not a relationship with God being
Born again means being spiritually born
It means a
Changed life it means you begin to care
About people around you who are hurting, and
You do what you can to demonstrate the
Love of God to them well
This young man went away sad because
He had a lot of
Stuff welcome to the truth whywhy
Deny? Why play the game?

If you need to pray
I'd like you to pray a simple prayer out loud
To God you know as well as I
It's not just repeating words father
Forgive me for the sins in my life i believe
That Jesus took the punishment on the
Cross, that I could be forgiven jesus
Forgive me and come into my heart
And help me to follow you remind me again
And again that your empty grave means
A full life for me you and your
Will is what I need help
Me to follow you from this night, regardless
Of the cost i pray this prayer
Father, in the name of your son
My Lord and my risen saviour
Jesus Christ amen

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