Rio Reiser - Rock ‘n' Roll Shoes songtext (lyrics)

[Rio Reiser - Rock ‘n' Roll Shoes songtext lyrics]

My mama, she told me
She didn't like that rock and roll
Oh, so please, mama, please
Oh mama, you just don't know
I don't wanna hang up my rock'n roll shoes!
I get a good time feeling
Every time I hear that blues

They say that rock'n roll
Soon will fade away
But that's a bunch of shit
Rock'n roll is here to stay
I don't wanna hang up my rock'n roll shoes!
Because my feets are moving
Every time I hear that blues
Yes, I will do my homework
I clean the yard every day
I'll even do the dishes
Oh, I'll do anything you say

Somebody even say it is the devil in my soul
But that's a bunch of shit
I just want to rock'n roll
I don't wanna hang up my rock'n roll shoes!
I had a good time feeling
Every time I hear the blues

Yes, I will do my homework
I clean the yard every day
I'll even do the dishes
Oh, I'll do anything you say

My mama, she told me
She didn't like that rock'n roll
Oh so please, mama, please
Oh mama, you just don't know
I don't wanna hang up my rock'n roll shoes!
Because my feets are moving
Every time I hear that blues
Yeah, I get an old time feeling
Every time I hear that blues
Yeah, I get a good time feeling
Every time I hear that blues

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