Rome - Der Wolfsmantel songtext (lyrics)

[Rome - Der Wolfsmantel songtext lyrics]

Beware of words and their power to charm
Those greedy little men their filthy souls
Before all else be armed

…möcht' auch noch die ganze welt uns hören

Remember you're unique
Just like anybody else
So don't grow wishbones
Where the backbone ought to be
Before all else be armed

…möcht' auch noch die ganze welt uns hören

Beware of words and their power to disarm
Like a blind mob eyes like cattle
Before all else be armed

…möcht' auch noch die ganze welt uns hören

Remember you're unique
Just like anybody else
So don't grow wishbones
Where the backbone ought to be
Before all else be armed

…möcht' auch noch die ganze welt uns hören

Beware of words and their power to charm
Those greedy little men their filthy souls
Before all else be armed

…möcht' auch noch die ganze welt uns hören

Remember you're unique
Just like anybody else
So don't grow wishbones
Where the backbone ought to be
Before all else be armed

…möcht' auch noch die ganze welt uns hören

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