Ross Antony, Giovanni Zarrella - I Believe songtext (lyrics)

[Ross Antony, Giovanni Zarrella - I Believe songtext lyrics]

Baby, I belive that you were meant for me
And if there's somebody then, baby, I belive
That somebody is you and everything you do
'Cause, baby, I belive i belive in you

Sai che spesso io guardo sul telefono
Foto che ho di noi
I giorni tuoi sono i giorni miei
Es war wie Magie uns verband die Fantasie
Liebe zu Musik und das vergess ich nie

Baby, I belive that you were meant for me
And if thеre's somebody then, baby, I bеlive
That somebody is you and everything you do
'Cause, baby, I belive i belive in you

Yeah, yes I do ich weiß es noch genau
Wir hatten diesen Traum
Immer dran geglaubt voll am Start
Immer voll am Start
Ed è impossibile ridere ancor di più
Se mi chiami tu so che mi tirerai su

Come on, yeah baby, I belive
That you were meant for me
And if there's somebody then, baby, I belive
That somebody is you and everything you do
'Cause, baby, I belive i belive in you

Amici veri sai
Siamo giunti insieme fino a qui
Noi che regaliamo attimi di follia

Baby, I belive that you were meant for me
And if there's somebody
Then, baby, I belive (Then, baby, I belive)
That somebody is you and everything you do
'Cause, baby, I belive (Oh, yeah)
I belive in you baby, I belive (Oh, yeah)
That you were meant for me
And if there's somebody
Then, baby, I belive (Then, I belive)
That somebody is you (Then, I belive)
And everything you do
'Cause, baby, I belive (Oh, yeah)
I belive in you yes, I do
Yes, I do i believe in you

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