Saltatio Mortis - My Bonnie Mary songtext (lyrics)

[Saltatio Mortis - My Bonnie Mary songtext lyrics]

Go, fetch to me a pint o' wine
And fill it in a silver tassie
That I may drink before I go
A service to my bonnie lassie
The boat rocks at the pier o 'Leith
Fu' loud the wind blaws Frae the Ferry
The ship rides by the Berwick-law
And I maun leave my bonnie Mary

The trumpets sound, the banners fly
The glittering spears are ranked, ready:
The shouts o' war are heard afar
The battle closes deep and bloody

Go, fetch to me a pint o' wine
And fill it in a silver tassie
That I may drink before I go
A service to my bonnie lassie
It's not the roar o' sea or shore
Wad mak me langer wich to tarry!
Nor shouts o' war that's heard afar
It's leaving thee, my bonnie Mary!

The trumpets sound, the banners fly
The glittering spears are ranked, ready:
The shouts o' war are heard afar
The battle closes deep and bloody

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