SALTNPAPER (솔튼페이퍼) - Rest 가사 (lyrics)

"Tracer, Part 2" OST

[SALTNPAPER 솔튼페이퍼 - Rest 가사 lyrics]

The loneliness it stings
Why is life this way
Emptiness surrounds me

Is there a reason to live on
A hope for a new day
Ahhh I pray
Rest here in my arms

You’ll never die
Show me your perfect smile
In your eyes
Would my forgiveness
Get back your life
Who cares enough to help me
Who knows my mind
I wish there was a hand to guide me

A faith that was all mine
Tell me I am crazy to think
No one would understand
Ahhh I know I can

Rest here in my arms
You’ll never die
Show me your perfect smile
In your eyes

Would my forgiveness
Get back your life
I Have the strength to pick you up
Wash away all the blood

With my unending love
I know you will win and rise above

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