Schelmish - Too Late songtext (lyrics)

[Schelmish - Too Late songtext lyrics]

There's too much confusion here
Is this fuelled by your fear
Is it time to let you go
'Cause right now we can not grow

You will regret all that's gone
Do you know where you belong

Too late - too late
The time has come you've sealed your fate
Too late - too late
All that's past how can this last
Too late - too late
Turn around and walk away
Is it too late, too late to move on
Excuses are meaningless
Hatred is what I confess
No-one knows you anymore
Maybe things have gone too far

Too late - too late
The time has come you've sealed your fate
Too late - too late
All that's past how can this last
Too late - too late
Turn around and walk away
Is it too late, too late to move on

Your were once a part of me
Now you're part of history
In your soul I see myself
But you won't accept my help

Too late - too late
The time has come you've sealed your fate
Too late - too late
All that's past how can this last
Too late - too late
Turn around and walk away
Is it too late, too late to move on
One day you'll be at my grave
Your heavy heart I cannot save
All that's left you'll have to tend
Is this how the story ends?

Too late - too late
The time has come you've sealed your fate
Too late - too late
All that's past how can this last
Too late - too late
Turn around and walk away is it too late
Too late to move on and on and on and on

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