Sesame Street - A - You’re Adorable lyrics
[Sesame Street - A - You’re Adorable lyrics]
And this here is Adrian
(Adrian is a cute, orange, lady muppet
He hugs her)
Adrian: (giggle) Hello!
Guy: Adrian starts with the letter A
Just like the alphabet here's a song about
The way I feel about her
(Guy and Adrian start walking past a row
Of alphabet blocks as he sings
He tosses each block to the ground)
Guy: (sings) A, you're adorable
B, you're so beautiful
C, you're a cutie full of charms
D, you're a darling and E, you're exciting
And F, you're a feather in my arms
Adrian: (giggles) A feather-that tickles!
Guy: G, you look good to me
H, you're so heavenly
I, you're the one I idolize
J, we're like Jack and Jill
K, you're so kissable
L is the love light in your eyes
M, N, O, P, I could go on all day
Q, R, S, T, alphabetically speaking
You're okay u made my life complete
V means you're very sweet w, X, Y, Z
It's fun to wander through
The alphabet with you
To tell you what you mean to me
(Just then Cookie Monster marches up
Cookie Monster: Where's my blocks?!
(She runs off
Leaving Guy looking very embarassed
As he begins the
Second half, he starts hurriedly picking
Up blocks each time
Cookie Monster grabs it away and eats it
In that ab-ab way of his)
Guy: (speaks, the tune still playing) Well, here's A and B c d and E and F gee! h
Cookie Monster: I! Where's I?
Guy: Here's I! and J and K and
Here's L m, N, O, P
I could go on all day -
CM: Do! Do! (ab-ab-ab)
Guy: (hurriedly now) Q, R, S, T, -alphabetically speaking, you're okay -U! V! W X Y Z! It's fun to wander through! The alphabet with you! And tell you what you mean to me! (Runs off)
Cookie Monster:
(just before he eats the last block) Bye bye!