Sick Luke - Always On My Mind testo (lyrics)

[Sick Luke - Always On My Mind testo lyrics]

So, i'm sick always on mind, ay, ay
Ay ay, ay ay (ok, ok)

You always on my mind you always on my mind
All i do is think about you all time
You always on my mind you always on my mind
All i do is think about you all time

I don't wanna walk alone
I just want to keep
I'm on taking to the moon

You always on my mind you always on my mind
All i do is think about you all time
You always on my mind you always on my mind
All i do is think about you all time

I don't wanna walk alone
I just want to keep
I'm on taking to the moon

You always on my mind you always on my mind
All i do is think about you all time
You always on my mind you always on my mind
All i do is think about you all time

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