Sierra Kidd - Off My Shoulders songtext (lyrics)

[Sierra Kidd - Off My Shoulders songtext lyrics]

My home became a house again
That's not a home
Push everyone away, I rather cry on my own
I can't tell no one
That's why I'm singin' this song
No iced-out watch can make me happy at all

Believe me, I tried
I was getting my hands dirty
Was done bein' polite
Then I was tryin' to clean it up
Was tryin' to be a good guy
Don't say "Change your life
" I changed it a couple of times
But nothin' made me change my mind, I still
Cry, bleed and drown in grief
I was down for so long
Now who's down for me? (Nobody I see)

Twenty deep, in front of the corner store
Like we about to go to war
I can see it in thеir eyes
They don't rеally follow protocols
Who will snitch on me next? Who
Will switch on me next?
No real friends in the slums, no real respect
The fuck did I expect?
My liver is already givin' up and
My lungs gon' be next
Smoke 'til I'm dizzy, who really with me?
Drink 'til it's empty, who really with me?

Take the weight off my shoulders
And I will never pick it up again
I fought my biggest battles within myself
Well, at least I know who I'm up against

My home became a house again
That's not a home
Push everyone away, I rather cry on my own
I can't tell no one
That's why I'm singin' this song
No iced-out watch can make me happy at all

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