Sleeping Giant - Sons of Thunder lyrics

[Sleeping Giant - Sons of Thunder lyrics]

"You have heard that it was
Said, ’Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth’
But, I tell you, Do not resist an evil person
If someone strikes you on the right cheek
Turn to him the other also
And if someone wants to sue
You and take your tunic
Let him have your cloak as well
If someone forces you to go one mile
Go with him two
Give to the one who asks you
And do not turn away from the one
Who wants to borrow from you
You have heard that it was said
’Love your neighbor and hate your enemy’
But, I tell you: Love your enemies and
Pray for those who persecute you
That you may be sons of
Your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5: 38-45)

This conflict burns in my veins
I feel injustice surround
Stopping my movement in hope
The stinging words of the crowd, they speak
Of me like I’ve lost my mind
Like I am some kind of joke
I see the enemies rage, I
Hear the sickening voice taunt
I feel his wicked eyes shine
Simply no longer afraid I throw
My head back and laugh
And take a drink of new wine
The fight is over your souls sons of Thunder
Calling the fire down burning with hope
Sons of Thunder

My only weapon is truth, hatred’s more
Powerful or so it would seem
Sapping my belief in all the things
You have shown in the secret
My friends and family just scream
Angry at you and they cry out to me
They speak sincere unbelief and inside
Them they mean it

Sons of Thunder calling the fire down
Bringing me home sons of Thunder

Let your supernatural love come out Jesus
Lord God let broken human hearts come into
Repentance, come to change
Come to salvation, come to
Relationship with You, God
Because of the power of
Your supernatural love father I ask, God
That You would make us like
Revolutionaries that could follow
In the footsteps of men and women
That let love overcome hate, God
That let peace overcome violence lord Jesus
I ask that You’d make us revolutionaries
That will truly kill all
Evil and all demonic oppression with the
Kindness of the love of Jesus, god
Let Your love come right now father
Let Your love come right now
Like a mighty flush

Overcome this world with love
Overcome this world with love
Overcome this world with love
Is there no one who understands, has
Everyone turned aside, is anyone listening
Someone hear me
Overcome this world with love
Does anyone understand
Has everyone turned their own way
Father help me, return!
Overcome this world with love
In that moment I have felt my
Life slip from my hands
Becoming heaven’s weapon bringing me home
Overcome this world with love
In that instant felt your
Spirit enter mortal man
See you in Armageddon bringing me home
Overcome this world with love
In that moment I have felt my
Life slip from my hands
Becoming heaven’s weapon bringing me home
Overcome this world with love
In that instant felt your
Spirit enter mortal man
See you in Armageddon bringing me home
Overcome this world with love
See you in Armageddon see you in Armageddon
See you in Armageddon bringing me home
Overcome this world with love
See you in Armageddon see you in Armageddon
See you in Armageddon bringing me home

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