Slime, The Wakes, Los Fastidios - Let's Get United songtext (lyrics)

[Slime, The Wakes, Los Fastidios - Let's Get United songtext lyrics]

Der rechte Mob steht in Bereit'schaft
Für die Schlacht um die Nation
Aber wir sitzen noch im Plenum
Bei der achten Diskussion
Obwohl wir eigentlich doch einig sind
Reiben wir uns auf an
Tausenden von Kleinigkeiten wenn ihr wollt
Dass wir diesen Weg gemeinsam gehen
Darf eines nicht fehlen
Und das ist Solidarität!

Let's get united, let's get united
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united, don't stay divided
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united!

Tu lo sai, non è un gioco
La tua gente, la tua storia
È ora di metter da parte l'odio
L'invidia e la falsa gloria
Guarda avanti, davanti a te
Mille volti diversi, ma uguali a te
Uniti si vince
L'unione fa la forza e la tua forza è unione

Let's get united, let's get united
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united, don't stay divided
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united!

Brothers and sisters we can unite
Raise your voice and make it heard
You won't give up the fight
Stand for your principles
Stick to your thoughts
We will show them together, together as one
There is still faith left in the human race
Sing it loud, sing it proud!

Let's get united, people unite!
Let's get united, Solidarity!

Let's get united, let's get united
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united, don't stay divided
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united, let's get united
Solidarity, let's get united
Let's get united, don't stay divided
Solidarity, let's get
United, united, united, united
United, united, united, united

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