Slime - Molasses songtext (lyrics)

[Slime - Molasses songtext lyrics]

Poetic soldier
Sold ya just what i said i told ya
The flow like amaretto it's nuts
For those who'd never know
I'm rapping like it's molasses
I pass the strap to my savages
Whole clique is assassins
The pole thick and for thrashing
The soul itching and scratching
From old stimulus happened to grow
After the math of the whole division
My whole clique and my posse we
Bold quick and we cocky
We stole sticks from your stocking
And blow holes in your coffin
My soul ticking an tocking

Soon to be taxing the whole populace
Happen to know nobody innocent
Whole body is eminent
Whole shotty is steaming
I said howdy my demons
The cops visit me dreaming
I wake hollering screaming
I’m not tolerant teeming with hate

Wonder my fate as of late
Hope that today ain’t the day
I pray that today ain’t the day

I ain’t working with a left hook
But you feel something when i write shit
Beat kinda dark clocked in
For the night shift
Heat finna spark drop shots
Then i might split
Whip sitting parked right next
To the space ship

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