Slime - Robot Age songtext (lyrics)

[Slime - Robot Age songtext lyrics]

You're working like an asshole to
Get a little money
Your wife is working with you
To make your life funny
But soon you get a letter
Your boss is very sorry
You have to pay the cost
Your job is gone and lost
There's a man of iron, a man of steel
He hasn't got a heart to feel
He's always there, night and day
The bosses don't have so much to pay
He's never ill, he's never sick
Just because of his plastic head

We're living in a robot age
Men got anything to do
We're living in a robot age
An iron man works for you
Everyone is unemployed
Your life will be destroyed
(We're) Living in a robot age

Everyone is unemployedYou're working
Like an asshole to get a little money
Your wife is working with you
To make your life funny
But soon you get a letter
Your boss is very sorry
You have to pay the cost
Your job is gone and lost
There's a man of iron, a man of steel
He hasn't got a heart to feel
He's always there, night and day
The bosses don't have so much to pay
He's never ill, he's never sick
Just because of his plastic head

We're living in a robot age
Men got anything to do
We're living in a robot age
An iron man works for you
Everyone is unemployed
Your life will be destroyed
(We're) Living in a robot age
Everyone is unemployed

We're living in a robot age
Men got anything to do
We're living in a robot age
An iron man works for you
Everyone is unemployed
Your life will be destroyed
(We're) Living in a robot age
Everyone is unemployed

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