Slime - Russian Roulette songtext (lyrics)

[Slime - Russian Roulette songtext lyrics]

I'm on a helicopter ride through Vietnam
I'm the Leicester Square kid, I'm superman
I'm putting on weight for the Oscar
Man gonna get through anyway I can
Hey hey hey we're in the movie -
I feel up and I feel groovy
Let's go out and get some of that
Gimme gimme gimme some Russian Roulette
Everywhere everyone is red and
Green - I gotta
Lust for glory and a tape machine
I'm living out Frank Coppola's dreams -
Outta my mind I'm feeling mean
Hey hey hey we're in the movie -
I feel up and I feel groovy
Let's go out and get some of that
Gimme gimme gimme some Russian Roulette
I'm Nuremberg stepper blowing wets away -
I gotta headful of Hendrix, i'm feelin' Okay
I'm a late night thriller
I'm miss La Ray - Outta my mind
- Can I come to play?
Hey hey hey we're in the movie -
I feel up and I feel groovy
Let's go out and get some of that
Gimme gimme gimme some Russian Roulette
La la lai said hey

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