Slime - We Don't Need the Army songtext (lyrics)

[Slime - We Don't Need the Army songtext lyrics]

Millions of people dying in war
They just don't know why
Soldiers fighting for god and country
War does make them high
Nobody can do anything
'cause nobody understands
Troops are marching for a crazy leader
For the rules of their land

If you're not a fool, a victim of insanity
I'll tell you something, just listen to me

We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!
We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!

Government saying we need defense
But it's nothing less than war
Nowhere's peace in this dirty world
They're fighting more and more
War for money, war for fame
Never seen a bigger crime
Fighting for a crazy leader
But I don't wanna die

If you're not a fool, a victim of insanity
I'll tell you something, just listen to me

We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!
We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!

If you're not a fool, a victim of insanity
I'll tell you something, just listen to me

We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!
We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!

Government saying we need defense
But it's nothing less than war
Nowhere's peace in this dirty world
They're fighting more and more
War for money, war for fame
Never seen a bigger crime
Fighting for a crazy leader
But I don't wanna die

If you're not a fool, a victim of insanity
I'll tell you something, just listen to me

We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!
We don't need the army no, no, no
We don't want a war - no, no, no
Destroy your government
Fight their fucking war!

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