Sodom - Iron FistSodom songtext (lyrics)

[Sodom - Iron FistSodom songtext lyrics]

Dark night, nothing to see
Invisible hand in front of me
Scared to death, there's someone near
Scared to move but you can't stay here

You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
You know me, the snakebite kiss
Devil's grip, the Iron Fist

Flying horse won't make a sound
Flying hooves won't touch the ground
Walk in circle, lose you track
Can't go on but you can't go back

You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
You know me, you can't resist
Devil's grip, the Iron Fist

Moon eclipse and you know why
Ghost rider in the sky
Beast of evil, devil's hound
Tooth and claw they pull you down

You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
You know me, the snakebite kiss
Devil's grip, the Iron Fist

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