Space Button - WITH ME songtext (lyrics)

[Space Button - WITH ME songtext lyrics]

Ohhoo ohhoooo can i make you happy
Can i

With Me she can never stop
Smiling she can never stop
Smiling thats a fact

Shawdy a bad teen she wanna fuck with Reezy
So imaa show Ice so She can talk about me
Gonna do her smile, for her ill ride a beat
Lemme take you out let's Go take a piece
Roses are red violets are blue
Fuck that ill sing about you
Others witch but i still chose you
In mah life ill always be way cool

With Me she can never stop
Smiling she can never stop
Smiling thats a fact

See that smile in your face
Baby ill make you happy
Because oh man i love
To see that smile In your face
Can i take care of you
Can i treat you like a queen

(Yes brother you can)
Cause she deserves to smile
She got a pretty face
Baby show me those teeth
What can i do to make you happy
Baby tell me what it takes
To put a smile in your face
(To put a smile in your face)

With Me she can never stop
Smiling she can never stop
Smiling thats a fact

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