Spliff - Déjà Vu (English Version) songtext (lyrics)

[Spliff - Déjà Vu English Version songtext lyrics]

And when he'd opened the seventh seal
There was silence in heaven
I saw some angels they stood before God
Seven trumpets in their hands
Far from heaven, it's you and me
We see, it's too late to talk

Golden horses running on Earth
Riders lost their way
Then the angel took the censer
And filled it with fire
And cast it in to the Earth
And there were voices
And thunderings, and lightnings
And an earthquake
Seven angels which kept the seven trumpets
It's too late to talk

Déjà Vu - Déjà Vu - Déjà Vu

Liebling Liebling, bleib bei mir
Sie schießen and they'll win
They don't need a reason, they just start
We're losing quite a part
Small bird is rising, flying high
We're tumbling, what a joy
So write me a letter and send it to the moon
Cause it's too late to talk

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