Spliff - Gravy songtext (lyrics)

[Spliff - Gravy songtext lyrics]

Got a brainstorm raging for a rocking band
The state of creativity is mighty bland
They all look for something new
But I tell you it's garbage they spew

(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
They act like kings and queens
And sell their titty flesh, For cash
Wrapped up supermarket music they
Found on the trash
They're addicted to the drugs
They sing against
And they leave their swinging pools
Have a wankolution on stage

(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy

They find their heavy metal disco flop reggae
Bop and call it brand new wave
And the punk-pub-ska-blah all accoustic do
Dah gonna hit the parade
Kill your girlfriend and then commit suicide
Get a lot of press
No comeback, but you're legend
Is that what you call success

(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy
(It's just a fucked up gravy)
Sucked up, sucked up in gravy

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