Stephan Eicher - Easy songtext (lyrics)

[Stephan Eicher - Easy songtext lyrics]

Easy easy you came
Much too easy too easy to stay
So easy easy you came
Like a birthday too easy to stay

And easy it falls all around you
You waste it when you walk
You waste it when you talk

Give it away give it all away
As long as you got some as long you may
So senseless when you got it out of reach
When it's gone

Easy easy you came much too easy
Too easy to stay so easy easy you came

Like a birthday too easy to stay
The candle will show you the way

But not it's light no not it's light

Lt's not what shines that shows you the way
It's the melting
That's the price you've got to pay
So easy when you got it out of reach
When it's gone

Easy easy you came
Much too easy, too easy to stay
So easy easy you came
Like a birthday too easy to stay

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