Tayna - OFG teksti (lyrics)


TAYNA [Doruntina Shala] Prizren, Kosovë/Shqipëria 🇽🇰 🇦🇱

[Tayna - OFG teksti lyrics]

Guess who's back, ha ha

First off
Fuck your bitch and the click you claim
N’krahasim me kto bitches, man
We're not the same
Dojn krejt me m'dissirat për fame
Hala t’prekim n'buk hala guhen ta prejm
Tri kerre parkum dy kerre pa pun
Femna jote çika jem sodë bukes gatun
Kon bre kto e harrun kto hip-hopin ku e msun
Me nivel tem ti kurrë s'ki fat me pas pun
And all I know is hustle
Bej perandori stay away from my castle
Nuk kam hi n'kurrgjo se
Çdoherë unë jam esell
Personalitet ju kam hi unë si puzzle
Kqyre е kapi histeria tutet, ju kry historia
Shoh qe po lyp mizoria narcisitе fantazia

Najher e kap nostalgjia qysh si eci llogaria
Po e nalt o krenaria shpirt i humbur rehatia

You're not running from me
You will get shoot in the head
If you're running from me
Running from me
You're not running from me
You will get shoot in the head
If you're running from me
Running from me

You better run po folin te tan
Kush provokon edhe kush xhelozon
Qysh t’konvenon n’kryt tan supozon
Veç edhe ni zo me ta ni fluturon
I du dy metra me tri presje, six figures
Qe vjen tjetra ngoj rimat ka pull triggers
Hala e vjetra m'keni lyp, jom the biggest
S’du me pas t'bej pun me gold diggers
E kom zemren e mirë ama gjithë jam kon rebel
Kam dol mo s'pom thirr ngaqe
Dancing with the devil
Po thot si ti s'kom pa
Po na s’jena t'njejtin level
Ngoje mirë na nuk jena t'njejtin level

You're not running from me
You will get shoot in the head
If you're running from me
Running from me
You're not running from me
You will get shoot in the head
If you're running from me
Running from me

Interpretimi për

Shtoni interpretimin

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #