Tyler, The Creator - Facebook Post From Dec. 2, 2014 (Formatted/Editted) lyrics

Tyler, The Creator [Tyler Gregory Okonma] Hawthorne, California, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Tyler, The Creator - Facebook Post From Dec. 2, 2014 Formatted/Editted lyrics]
To me as inspiration i'm
23 fucking years old and I
Built a fucking monster and
I'm not ever gonna fucking land
Stop being scared and negative
Start believing in yourself and stop
Living for all these
Other fucking idiots some of y'all should
Put that fucking blunt down
And go do what the fuck you know you need
To do do it for yourself
I believe in everyone because
I believe in myself fuck
Reaching for the stars, that's
Setting a limit fuck those some
Of you don't like yourself
Some of you aren't comfortable
With yourself that's so
Fucking sad stop that shit some
Of you can't that's why y'all ask for likes
On Instagram and shit
Because y'all's self esteem
Is so fucking low cut that
Shit out and start liking
Yourself when that happens, you
Will start trusting yourself, then you
Trust your ideas
Then you fucking become that
Person you really
Want to be if you don't have any confidence
Let me be your fucking confidence
I'm gonna be a fucking great
Years from now and
I fully believe that and fully do not
Care about anyone's opinion on
Why I'm not because
I know start smiling more and start hanging
Around people that makes you feel
Good or make you want to be better stop
Associating with losers
If a nigga only hit's you up to smoke
Or drink or turn up and have
Nothing else to offer to get
You where ever you
Think about being when you
Are alone daydreaming
Then get the fuck away from them time is
Going by so fast and before you know
It, you're gonna be on
Your deathbed telling stories
About how much you sucked and how you
Regret not living the life
You wanted to live
Loving the people you wanted to love
Taking the chances you wanted
To take tHERE ARE
Found my wings and i'm still flying and
I WILL NEVER EVER LAND some of you have
To find yourself i knew who I was
At like age 10 i knew the
Music, I loved the colors, and I knew what I
Was into most of you listen to what ever
Is hot or what your friends like
Y'all dress how everyone else
Dresses, y'all do what everyone
Else does fUCKING STOP
BEING A FUCKING FOLLOWER read the comments
The weak ass follower that will
Never make a difference ever
Because they fucking suck are
Gonna say some shit
Like "easier said than done" or
"you are a hypocrite"
Or "you changed" or some stupid shit like
That, because they are the
Weak fucks that I'm
Talking about and they can't cope with it
Cause they are scared dON'T BE SCARED
I don't know why I'm typing this i'm on a
Lake on vacation just drawing
And listening to music
(I've been playing CC The World for like
6 hours) and I just realized
"Oh wow! I'm on a vacation for no reason
This is crazy i've dreamed of this
How did I get this far? Oh yeah
By trusting myself and not
Following the path that my mom
Wanted me to go
And by surrounding myself with other people
That wanted more out of
Life and trusted my wild ideas
And I put my art
Out there and people liked it and trusted me
And now I'm here i guess
What I'm trying to say
Is that I want everyone to win
I want everyone to smile
I want everyone to be in
A good mood and annoying
And always jumping around like me cause
I'm so fucking happy and
Grateful, but I realize niggas is
Scared or who knows, maybe I'm just
A special one i don't know anything
I'm in the woods and I
Really want to meet a moose
In person if I see
One I'm gonna get a photo Ha ha hahahaha oh
And RACISM is fucking weak as fuck anti
GOLF BOYS this saturday
There will be another fall
Winter drop from GOLF love you today
I want you to find your wings