Tyler, The Creator, The State of Texas - Tyler The Creator’s SXSW Arrest Warrant lyrics

Tyler, The Creator [Tyler Gregory Okonma] Hawthorne, California, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Tyler, The Creator, The State of Texas - Tyler The Creator’s SXSW Arrest Warrant lyrics]
Name: tyler gregory okonma
Offense no 14-0721336
Offense date: 03-13-2014
The state of texas
To any peace officer of the state of texas
Greetings you are hereby Commanded to Arrest
Tyler gregory okonma b m 3
6 91
If to be found in your
County and bring him before
Me, Judge at the Municipal
Court, Travis County, Texas, at my office in
Austin, in said county, Instanter
Then and there to answer the State
Of Texas for an offense against
The laws of said State, to-wit:
Riot - class a misdemeanor
Of which offense he is accused by
The written complaint, under oath
Of Detective W lYONS 5936 filed before me
HEREIN FAIL NOT but of this
Writ make due return, showing how you have
Executed the same witness
My official signature
This 13 the day of March, aD 2014
Bond $3500
Affidavit for warrant of arrest and detention
Your affiant is Austin Police
Detective W lyons
#5936 who is employed by the
Austin Police Department and
Has approximately 7
Years of law enforcement experience
Information contained in this
Affidavit was obtained
From Officer Perez #6676 and Officer
O'Farrell #5948 and contained in the
Austin Police offense report 14-0721336
Officer Perez and Officer
O'Farrell both stated to Det Lyons that they
Were assigned to a Unified Command
Public Assembly Code Enforcement
(PACE) Team for escort during SXSW events
Taking place in Downtown Austin
TX the officers stated they were assigned to
Assist the PACE team with enforcing city
Code on occupants inside
Establishments for public
Safety reasons in the entertainment district
Officers stated to Det Lyons that the
Pace team received a call for
Service at the Scoot Inn located at
1308 E 4th St due
To a possible overcrowding officer Perez and
O'Farrell stated to Det Lyons that
They arrived on the scene with
The Pace team and observed
A large crowd officers
Stated the establishment
Was at capacity with 999 people
Inside officers stated to Det Lyons
That the employees who were
Assigned to work the door for the
Scoot Inn were allowing 1
Person inside as 1 person exited
The establishment at this time
Officer Perez and O'Farrell walked
Inside of the
Establishment to check the area and observed
The performer "TYLER THE CREATOR"
Onstage the officers
Stated to Det Lyons that at
That moment "TYLER THE CREATOR" yelled out to
The large crowd of people waiting in
Line outside the building "ALL YALL OUTSIDE
Officers Perez and O'Farrell stated the crowd
Waiting in line outside started
To try and push the employees working
The door out of the way
But hesitated the officers also stated the
Employees working the door then immediately
Attempted to secure the doors and close
Them and that is when
"TYLER THE CREATOR" yelled out again to
The large crowd who were now
Becoming unruly and enraged "YALL PUSH
Through get in come on" at this time
The Officers stated they observed the
Large crowd push through
The employees working the door
Which created an
Immediate danger of injury to
Persons officers then stated
The performer "TYLER THE CREATOR"
Began apologizing then
Cursing at employees working the
Door before he exited
The stage officers stated after
The "riot" dispersed, they made
Contact with a bartender who is
An employee of the
Scoot Inn and he was identified as: Mylan
Thomas officers stated Thomas made
A statement to
Them that during the "Riot" he held
Several people back so one girl who
Fell to the ground would not
Get trampled officers stated Thomas
Then told them that while he was trying to
Protect the girls who fell he was
Punched by an unknown male
Subject to the left side of his face
Which caused him pain officers stated
They could not locate the suspect due
To the large amount of people
At the establishment officer
Perez and O'Farrell
Stated they called for more officers
To respond to the scene and that
Is when the crowd dispersed
In Sec 4202 of the Penal "Riot" is
Listed as a Class B Misdemeanor
(F) an offense under this section is
An offense of the same classification
As any offense of a higher
Grade committed by anyone engaged
In the riot of the offense was:
(1) in furtherance of the purpose of the
Assembly in this caste the bartender: Mylan
Thomas who is an employee of the Scoot
Inn was punched to the left
Side of his face which caused him
Pain this constitutes an Assault W
Injury a Class A Misdemeanor
Offense this enhances the
Class B Classification of "Riot" to the
Higher grade Class A Misdemeanor
"tyler the creator"
Was identified as: TYLER GREGORY OKONMA B
M 03 06