Ulcerate - Extinguished Light lyrics
[Ulcerate - Extinguished Light lyrics]
Willing old faults to surface
And continue carrying us to ruin
The narrow tunnel of light further closing in
Enveloping the already dying
There is no road to redemption
The paradox is that we
Are ever more disparate ever more divergent
Out of reach of repair
Yet never untied from the other
Never unbound from what's etched
Into the husk never absolved
Stripped from each fragment of bone
Recurring endless
Shattered resolve
Fractured and forbidden to witness
Sheltered from the agony of self dissent
In the face of all in reversal
They were worthless pitiful and hopeless
Extinguish this light which befell us
We have proven to be unworthy
Extinguish this light which befell us
Pitch black