United Pursuit - Heart Healing lyrics
[United Pursuit - Heart Healing lyrics]
In You is all my joy and peace
In You is all my joy and peace
I just feel like God wants
To do emotional healing
Like serious heart, heart healing
In just some deep areas that
Sometimes even words don't really
Don't really touch
And I want to encourage you if you feel like
You're, you're not hearing God or
You're not hearing a word
Or you're not hearing something that's like
Penetrating that place in you that
He doesn't, it doesn't need a word
There doesn't need to be a song even
He can come in and He can
Change things even just right now
In any moment, in anything, with anything
Without anything
So, yeah God we open our hearts to You
Jesus, we allow You to come in
In all those places that's really scary to
Be seen and to be known
God, we let You see us and we let You know us
So thank You, God, that You are so all
About healing and wholeness
And love and abundance and joy
And fullness and peace
God, thank You for all of these things
Thank You for just pouring that out on us
Lord father, I ask that we would be
Able to rejoice with You
To rejoice with You in the
Victories of the heart
Thank You for Your healing, God
Thank You for Your love
Thank You for Your joy
We come to You with thankful hearts, God
You're so good, Father, You're so good, Jesus
Just pour out your thankfulness to Him
We pour our our love on You, God
We love You, we love You, we
Love You, we love You, god
You're so good you're so good, Lord
Come and move we love You, God
We love You, God