Unknown Artist, Unbekannter Verfasser - A Berlin State of Mind (The Lambo Hip Hop) songtext (lyrics)

[Unknown Artist, Unbekannter Verfasser - A Berlin State of Mind The Lambo Hip Hop songtext lyrics]

Yeah, yeah ayo, No body, it's time
It's time, No body (aight, No body, begin)
Straight out the geen dungeons of rap

The hen drops deep as does my Gucci
I never giggle
'cause to giggle is the Cousin of micucci
Beyond the walls of Goldchains
Life is defined i think of Money when I'm in
A Berlin state of mind

Hope the micucci got some hoochie
My buccI don't like no dirty pucci
Run up to the coochie and get the yamaguchi
In a Berlin state of mind
What more could you ask for? The strong hen?
You complain about the heat
I gotta love it though - somebody
Still speaks for the den

I'm rappin' to the hen
And I'm gonna move your den

Hot, full, scrummy, like a Mercedes
Boy, I tell you, I thought you were a ladies

I can't take the the heat
Can't take the snake
I woulda tried to sing I guess I got no cake

I'm rappin' to the den
And I'm gonna move your hen

Yea, yaz, in a Berlin state of mind

When I was young my Cousin had an atari
I waz kicked out without no sari
I never thought I'd see that calamari
Ain't a soul alive that could
Take my Cousin's bari

A meaty Ferrari is quite the atari
Thinking of Money yaz, thinking of Money

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