Vector - Rape Voem lyrics

[Vector - Rape Voem lyrics]

My thought about rape
The opposite of my thoughts about grape
And i really love grapes
I mean wetin dey really sup sef
Why are people acting like it's all flex
Or why am i not surprised?
Are we not the same people keeping quiet
About a man's incompetence because where i
Am from a young man cannot tell an
Older man to leave his seat
But for me to agree with this
You'd have to show a place where they buy
Plane ticket with respect and
They give receipts
I mean it's respect now, it's a big deal
Like the victims of rape
Should only sit still
I rarely ever judge a person
Based on ear-say but if all the ear-say is
Constantly becoming a pattern
And I know you know repetition

Is the beginning of pattern
And your image is not deceiving
This pattern that i obverse, i mean
You tell the people to look up under
Sun with their eyes on earth why on earth
Why on earth would you even
Position yourself to take advantage
Back n forth on clay but you are ahead
Of the due so you're snatching the advantage
Well you're wrong because i watch
From a sit on advantage
You know umpire but higher
Like say pastor no fit get
Side chick for choir

But the people do not know man cannot
Be a god talk less of God
The rape i see happened
Before the forceful penetration
It happened when you betrayed the
Trust in you to lead

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