Wavvyboi - ​no hope kid songtext (lyrics)

[Wavvyboi - ​no hope kid songtext lyrics]

Yeah, oh, I'm still
Still sorry I couldn’t fuck you last night
Oh, I'm still shaking now, I was so high
But, I think you were the right one
I still wanna mix that lean
Because I hate my body
I'm passing out on a Hennessy
Because I love your body
Because I love your body
Passing out on it in the sea
Because I love your body
Please respond to my message
I’m still fuckin' sorry
You're the only one that could I mean
Like I mean it
I hate to see it, fuck, I need your body
I wanna feel it i wanna feel, feel it
I wanna feel it, feel it, feel it
Oh, I wanna feel, I wanna feel it

I hate my music, oh
Oh, I'm still a no hope kid
No hope kid, yeah yeah

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