Wizo - Closet songtext (lyrics)

[Wizo - Closet songtext lyrics]

When you walk right by my
Side everything just feels alright
All the stars are shining bright I feel lucky

When I'm hanging out with you and
You do the things you do
When you look into my eyes I'm so glad

But there's something sad 'bout you you're
A guy and I'm one, too
You like girls and I like you so
I don't know what to do

I just hide my face away
Standing in the closet
And pretending I feel fine

I just hide my tears away you
Know I'm a big boy you won't see me crying

When I walk around with you and
You do the things you do
When you look into my eyes feel like crying

When you call me on the phone
Telling me you feel alone

It's just tearing out my
Heart feel like dying

But there's something sad 'bout you you're
A guy and I'm one, too
You like girls and I like you so
I don't know what to do

I just hide my face away
Standing in the closet
And pretending I feel fine

I just hide my tears away you
Know I'm a big boy you won't see me crying

I just hide my face away
Standing in the closet
And pretending I feel fine

I just hide my tears away you
Know I'm a big boy you won't see me crying

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