Wizo - Cruising songtext (lyrics)

[Wizo - Cruising songtext lyrics]

Outide the sun is shining
Kids are making noise
Dani called and told me there's
A party down at Kai's

There's' a little work to do
It can be done tomorrow i grab my keys
My leather and I'm out of trouble and sorrow

I'm sitting in my car My stereo is puking
Don't care 'bout anythingdon't
Wanna live forever

I'm cruising- aha aha I'm only cruising-
It's fun to waste mt gas
I'm cruising- aha aha maybe I'm
Losing- I don't care
Cause I am only cruising

I hit a few red lights
And sometimes I'm too fast
Then there's something tries to stop my
Fun I'm out of gas

Ain't no big thing today somehow
I got some money and after I filled up

I remember I should have payed the phone

I'm sitting in my car My stereo is puking
Don't care 'bout anythingdon't
Wanna live forever

I'm cruising- aha aha I'm only cruising-
It's fun to waste mt gas
I'm cruising- aha aha maybe I'm
Losing- I don't care
Cause I am only cruising

I'm sitting in my car My stereo is puking
Don't care 'bout anythingdon't
Wanna live forever

I'm cruising- aha aha I'm only cruising-
It's fun to waste mt gas
I'm cruising- aha aha maybe I'm
Losing- I don't care
Cause I am only cruising

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