WUMMS - Ronaldo Song (English Version) songtext (lyrics)

[WUMMS - Ronaldo Song English Version songtext lyrics]

Tell me the best player of the world! - Me

His name's Christiano he's number One oh
Siiiiii! Bello ciao, Bello ciao
Bello ciao ciao ciao although his sclupture
Looks like a vulture
He's extremly good with balls a sexy scorer
A tax-ignorer bello ciao, Bello ciao
Bello ciao ciao ciao he gives you katchi
Sometimes to muchi
He walks backwards all year round
The best of Europe is Luca Modric
Ronaldo's pissed
Cause it hurts like a foul foul foul
He says 'You moth erfucking loser
I'm still the grеatest
Of all

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