Xiu Xiu - Interview: An 11 Year Old Girl from the Ukraine Emailed These This Year, All Year lyrics

[Xiu Xiu - Interview: An 11 Year Old Girl from the Ukraine Emailed These This Year, All Year lyrics]

What kind of makeup do you like?
To, to look at? I guess, uncreatively
Really bright red lipstick
And to wear, just a little mascara

Do you think gross food is funny?
I don't think food is funny at all
And I'm really easily grossed out by food
Especially kind of tangy
Creamy foods like ranch
Dressing or mayonnaise

How should I kill my teacher?
Um, you should light a book on fire and
Beat your teacher with the flaming tome
I guess it would have to be
Sort of a big book though
I mean, to qualify as a tome
Of course, and then also
I imagine you'd have
To hit your teacher a, a bunch of
Times with the book for the
In order for them to die
Even if it's on fire
Why should you like it when people
Talk to you on the street?
I guess, you shouldn't at all
I can't think of any reason why you should

Why do people think I am mean?
Well, I would guess I'm the
Wrong person to ask i mean
If you want a real answer you
Should ask your priest I suppose

Should I have a baby now
Or when I get out of the army? Ahh
This is obnoxious 'cause I'm
Not answering the question
But, I guess you should have it
While you're in the army

How old were you when you
Did something really bad?
The first really bad thing that
I can think of doing, i mean
That's actually bad, I mean not
Just mischief, but actually sorta
Actually cruel I guess would be I was twelve

How much do you weigh and how tall are you?
I don't, I haven't weighed myself in a while
The last time I weighed myself I was a
Hundred-and-sixty pounds but I've been
Exercising a lot
And just by looking at myself in the
Mirror I seem to have lost weight
So I'm gonna guess one-fifty-five
And I think I'm five nine? Or there abouts
Five feet nine inches
Not five centimeters and nine millimeters

Who was your mom? Princess Grace of Monaco

Will you buy me a knife?
My grandpa bought me a knife
And I used to wear it on my belt all
The time when I was about eight or nine
I guess if you wear it on
Your belt, I'll buy one, buy you one
But, I, i think if you keep it
In your pocket and hide
It then I think that just leads to problems
But, I think if you have it out
In the open then no one
Will mess with you anyway, so you
Won't need to pull it out, i suppose
No one ever messed with me when I was eight
But, if they did I guess I would have had
To pull out my knife and stabbed them
Then I would have been in
A psychiatric ward probably still
Maybe not though maybe I, oh my gosh
I'm just thinking of the blood pouring out
What part of your body do you hate the most?
Probably the skin on the back of my
Arm and the skin on my thighs
I have folliculitis? Folliculitis
So I have little bumps all over 'em
It's really ugly
I've had it since I was a kid probably that

Do you ever wear women's clothes?
I can't pull it off anymore
When I was younger I was a, a little cuter
But I think I look too mannish now
And I'm, I think I'm too vain to risk it
Uh, I think the whole point
Of me wearing women's clothes
Initially was to sort of feel
More like a woman, but, I think also just to
Experiment with feeling beautiful
But, I don't really feel beautiful anymore
So not anymore

What song do you wish you wrote?
"Inbetween Days" by The Cure

Why didn't you email me back when
You told me you would?
'Cause you sort of freak me out

When are you gonna visit me?
I think if I visit you then I
Will probably risk going to jail
So, I think in all honesty I
Don't think I'll ever visit you

What should I do with
My grandpa's dead horse? Oh
Um, Rob Fisk, who is one of
My big musical heroes uh
Lives in Alaska and told me that
Some of the people in the
Township where he lived
Um, put a dead horse out into uh
Somebody's front yard and let all of
The neighborhood dogs eat it
Should I give all my money to my
Sister so she can buy me wine?
I'm sort of caught between
Feeling paternalistic and not
Wanting to seem like an uptight square
But, I am kind of an uptight
Square and I do feel paternalistic
So, I guess I have to rebel against
My gut reaction and say yes

When I die
What are you gonna do with my dead body?
Eh, well I guess if the dogs are not full

Should I encourage my friends to quit school?
This falls under the
Paternalistic umbrella again
So I guess I have to say yes

Do you want to die by braiding your body
Into the strings of my church piano?
I suppose I don't have any choice, but
But to do exactly that

Can you see the bones inside
Your friends' hands and feet?
Um, I can see the veins

If you were sitting in feces
Would anyone love you?
Some people would love me more
But, I guess the one person who I really want
To have love me probably I think would love
Me enough to hose me down until I was in
A state in which I was lovable again
But, I suppose prior to the hose, no

Why did Penthouse move from being a
Hardcore porn mag to softcore?
I think it was the war in Iraq
They wanted to seem more American

Do you have to sing to your
Mom to help her sleep?
I really try to avoid discussing
Anything that I ever
Sing about with my mom at all times

Do you have to leave town to find
Love that won't hurt your feelings? I did

Can you find the spice online
That will make something good
To eat? That will make me
Something good to eat?
I think you're probably capable
Of doing that yourself
I'm not very good at online
You already complained about my
Online habit's anyway
Why are you asking me to do anything online?

Can you use a whip to control a cat and make
It run to the left and to the right?
I, I have found it to be true generally

Why are you so stupid? Why
Don't you talk at parties?
Because I'm stupid, I don't
Have anything to say
I don't have anything to say

When will you, when will your children walk
In extreme darkness?
Um, probably not long after understanding
Who their father is

Are the only women you
Are the only women you
Like your mom's friends? I don't
I don't think I know any of my mom's friends

Is your brain irritated? If someone hit's you
In the head will you die?
No, if someone hit's me
If someone hit's me in the
Head I'll just feel relieved

Do you wear black ladie
Do you wear black ladies' church hats
When you go to church? I, I
I don't wear women's clothes anymore
I'm not cute enough anymore

If I told you to stop playing
With da doodoo would you stop?
You're, you're not the boss of me

If you threw a rock at a
Snake and it turned over
In a sickening way and hissed
At you and your sister, do you feel guilty?
Uh, it's a, there's nothing specific that I
Feel guilty about

Curtis Mayfield got hurt did you do it?
I don't have any plans to incriminate myself

Can I call you?
I think that that's a terrible idea
And also sort of alluring in a just
Doing the wrong thing kind of way
I'm not gonna give you an answer

What have you got to lose now that
You know what he looks like?
Uh, I finally have something to lose
I guess now that I know
I finally have something to lose

Thank you thank you

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