Yeule - sulky baby lyrics

Song written and produced by Nat Ćmiel & Kin Leonn

[Yeule - sulky baby lyrics]

Some days I can't believe that I'm still here
Some days I feel like I have no more tears to shed
Instead, I'm emptied out, dead
Desperate for that feeling of excitement
Praying for a planet alignment

Sultry face, sulky in lace
Sex that leaves you effaced
Losing the arms race
Your family's disgrace
The dreams that you chase
Turns into meaningless space

A sulky baby losing grip
I'm staring at you from the cliff
I'm looking down, I feel the bliss
I wanna jump, but I see your eyes

A sulky baby
A sulky baby
A sulky baby

A sulky baby

Sweetness undefeated
I feel your warmth, but I evade it
I wanna eat your face
Can you get me out of this maze?
You hold your weapon armed in gold
You're staring at me so cold
You pull the arrow from your back
And I can feel it pierce into my chest

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About the song Yeule - sulky baby

yeule's unique musical style, characterized by elements of shoegaze and alternative rock, has been widely praised by fans. "sulky baby" showcases yeule's growth as an artist, with the incorporation of 2000s alt-rock influences and a refined vocal performance. Fans appreciate yeule's ability to experiment with different genres while maintaining their signature dreamy sound.

The music video, directed by Jaxon Whittington, has garnered praise for its visual storytelling and cinematography. Drawing inspiration from various sources, including Japanese films and childhood memories, the video complements the song's themes and adds an extra layer of depth to the overall experience.

The response to "sulky baby" has been overwhelmingly positive, with fans expressing their love and admiration for yeule's work. Many listeners have drawn connections to their own personal experiences, with the song evoking a range of emotions, from joy and nostalgia to melancholy and introspection. The lyrics, which touch upon themes of childhood, loss, and healing, resonate deeply with fans, leading them to relate the song to their own lives. Some fans describe the song as a soothing and peaceful experience, capable of alleviating their anxieties and providing comfort during challenging times. The dreamy melodies and poignant vocals create a sense of tranquility, transporting listeners to a world of ethereal beauty. The music video, with its evocative visuals and symbolic representations, further enhances the emotional impact of the song.

Critics have lauded "sulky baby" for its innovative sound and thought-provoking lyrics. The seamless blending of genres, coupled with yeule's introspective storytelling, has been commended as a testament to their artistic growth. The introspective nature of the song has resonated with critics, who appreciate yeule's ability to create a deeply emotional and relatable experience for listeners.
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