Yxng Paper - Ignorant songtext (lyrics)

[Yxng Paper - Ignorant songtext lyrics]

Time for me to act
Like a psychopathic lunatic
Some people don't believe that
I can get ignorant time for me to act
Like a psychopathic lunatic
Some people don't believe that
I can get ignorant

Clap' deinen Booty wie Basilikum
Yeah, hard drop down und dann dreh dich um
Meine Frau nackt, heute Nacht, minimum
Tut mir Leid, keine Zeit für Entschuldigung
Ich bin kein Rapper, nein ich bin Legende
(mhh, mhh, mhh, Ignorant)
Keiner bleibt, nein nein, guck mal ich wende
(mhh, mhh, yeah, Ignorant)
Zähle die Scheine, ja man, ich verbrenne
(hmm, hmm, hmm, Ignorant)
Stacks im vorbeigehen, ja Baby, ich denke
Nicht nach (Ignorant)
Straight vom Boden die Bank (Ignorant)
Habe die Noten im Schrank (Ignorant)

Act like a psychopathic lunatic
Some people don't believe that
I can get ignorant

Some people don't believe that
I can get ignorant

IIIgnorant time for me to act
Like a psychopathic lunatic
Some people don't believe that
I can get ignorant time for me to act
Like a psychopathic lunatic
Some people don't believe that
I can get ignorant

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