​filtered - Truth Be Told! lyrics

[​filtered - Truth Be Told! lyrics]

Truth be told, I'm that ho
Like this can't be stole
Fact or cap, let's go you make shit up
But the truth will be found
The truth will be told or I'll sell my soul

Be fucking for real
That's not how you really feel
Show me how you reel
To prove that you don't steal
From the lonely bitches club
Only a turn of the wheel away
It's not too late
To be fucking for real today

Truth be told, I'm that ho
Like this can't be stole
Fact or cap, let's go you make shit up
But the truth will be found
The truth will be told or I'll sell my soul

(f-f-f-filtered on the beat)
That's it! (l0nelybitch3sc1ub)

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