Affet Robot - Kills You Again Şarkı sözleri (lyrics)

[Affet Robot - Kills You Again Şarkı sözleri lyrics]

It is another day
There is too much time to lose and fail again
You can always find a way to
Ruin everything on your plate
Escalating, manipulating, overreacting
Everyday time is flying away, catch it now
Catch it right away

Fantasy you’ll really love to
Live inside eternally but it kills you again
Reality you want to keep yourself
From with your energy but it kills you again

It is another day
There is too much time to lose and fail again
You can always find a way to
Ruin everything on your plate
Escalating, manipulating, overreacting
Everyday time is flying away, catch it now
Catch it right away

Fantasy you’ll really love to
Live inside eternally but it kills you again
Reality you want to keep yourself
From with your energy but it kills you again

Fantasy you’ll really love to
Live inside eternally but it kills you again
Reality you want to keep yourself
From with your energy but it kills you again

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