And One - Life Isn't Easy in Germany songtext (lyrics)

[And One - Life Isn't Easy in Germany songtext lyrics]

The way it was it used to be
Well it had to change as we all could see
We're twice as big and Yet so small
Now we have to share here in Germany

When skins woke up as Lenin broke down
Driving fast through united towns
Clubs being closed and fights ahead
Now we have to share so the Chancellor said

Life isn't easy in Germany

Life isn't easy in Germany

Such boring days for kids in the East
Where should they stay how to be please, d
The freedom of speech playing democracy
Boy, Life isn't easy in Germany

Life isn't easy in Germany can't you see?
Life isn't easy in Germany

Das also waren Deutsche
Die noch nichts zu sagen hatten
Aber reden durften

Dolmetschen für

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