Arogya - Broken songtext (lyrics)

[Arogya - Broken songtext lyrics]

I am not broken hear my heart
Beating for you i'm not gone
Feel my thoughts surround you

Am I wrong to walk this road for lovers
I have a vision
To find a place I can glimpse forever
I'll hold on to what I got
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie
I'll hold on to what I got
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie

This is how I live
Seeing the dreams in your eyes
You are a warm existence
Dwelling deep inside of me
You are always beating
Like the pulse of my life

I'll hold on to what I got
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie
I'll hold on to what I got
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie
(In your embracе I lie)
(In your embrace I liе)
(In your embrace I lie)

I'll hold on to what I got
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie
I'll hold on to what I got
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie

Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie
Till in your arms, in your embrace I lie

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