Barfeye, Sol - DO U lyrics
[Barfeye, Sol - DO U lyrics]
Thing I’ve realised on
This trip and it's that this
Feeling of realisation or
Being ‘’woke’’ or whatever is really
Universal doesn’t matter
Where the fuck you’re from or what
Political, economic
Social landscape you live under
It’s an individual
And conscious act to know that no
One is gonna give you the answers, you
Know, no matter how much you search
You've just gotta find your own
We all know shit’s fucked up and so
It’s symptomatic amongst our
Generation to feel alienated or uncertain
Fucking anxious and depressed but
You’ve gotta find your own way
Your own path to understanding that
There’s only so much you
Can control and that there’s a
Lot of beauty and meaning
To be found regardless of
All that shit whether
It’s art or science or fucking
Basketball you gotta… do
You, you know, and find your own happiness
Be your own fucking hero
In this crazy universe… and so yeah
It’s a bit cliche but it’s
Like that old metaphor
Of the caterpillars metamorphosis yknow
You gotta lock yourself into that cocoon
Away from the toxicity of the outside
World and all the noise to find yourself
And breakout with your new wings like, free
And ready to be your own butterfly haha
I dunno, maybe I’m just talking shit, man