Born - The Sower's Song songtext (lyrics)

[Born - The Sower's Song songtext lyrics]

Oh God, I am furrowed like the field
Torn open like the dirt
And I know that to be healed
That I must be broken first
I am aching for the yield
That You will harvest from this hurt

Abide in me
Let these branches bear You fruit
Abide in me, Lord as I abide in You
So I kneel at the bright edge of the garden
At the golden edge of dawn
At the glowing edge of spring
When the winter's edge is gone
And I can see the color green
I can hear the sower’s song

Abide in me
Let these branches bear You fruit
Abide in me, Lord let Your word take root
Remove in me the branch that bears no fruit
And move in me, Lord as I abide in You

As the rain and the snow fall
Down from the sky
And they don't return but they
Water the earth and bring they forth life
Giving seed to the sower
Bread for the hunger
So shall the word of the Lord
Be with a sound like thunder
And it will not return
It will not return void
We shall be led in peace and go out with joy
And the hills before us
Will raise their voices
And the trees of the field will clap
Their hands as the land rejoices
And instead of the thorn now
The cypress towers
And instead of the briar the myrtle
Blooms with a thousand flowers
And it will make a name
Make a name for our God
A sign everlasting that will never be cut off
As the earth brings forth
Sprouts from the seed
What is sown in the garden
Grows into a mighty tree
So the Lord plants justice
Justice and praise
To rise before the nations till
The end of days
As the rain and the snow fall
Down from the sky
And they don't return but they
Water the earth and they bring forth life
Giving seed to the sower
And bread for the hunger
So shall the word of the Lord
Be with a sound like thunder
And it will not return
It will not return void
It will not return, it will not return void
It will not return, it will not return void
We shall be led in peace and go out with joy

And the sower leads us
And the sower leads us
And the sower leads us

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