Car Seat Headrest - Will you please pass the milk please lyrics

[Car Seat Headrest - Will you please pass the milk please lyrics]

"'Shortcuts'? yeah, the one with, um, uh, er
By Altman and with Tom Wait's, yeah, yeah
That's a really good movie, yeah, uh
Really powerful movie too, i
Mean, basically destroyed my relationship
With my dad
Um, 'cause, uh, he and- he and my mom were
Watching one night and I was there too
We're all- we're all watching it and um, um
It's really long, it's like three hours long
And it has this weird violent ending
So after the credit's started
Rolling, I was, like, just jokingly like
"what a bad ending, " but um
I mean obviously I was joking I
Wouldn't have sat there for fucking
Three hours if I had
Actually thought the movie was
Bad but I mean, my
Dad got all pissed so

Next time he started up a
Movie, um, I was in the room when, like, i
Had been reading when we started the movie
And he turned the lights off so
I couldn't read anymore
So I w- I put the book away and started
Watching the movie and it was
'Zabriskie Point' which, you know
I probably wanted to see that
Movie longer than he
Because it had this Pink Floyd
Soundtrack and they never
Released it on album or
Anything so, you know, i wanted to watch
It for years so, ten minutes he pauses it
And he turns to me and he says
He tells me he doesn't
Want me to watch movies with
Him and my mom anymore
And would I please, leave the
Room and, you know, so
I was just like, oh okay and I
Wal-walked out of the room, I mean
And I​ was just so pissed
Off and angry and hurt, and I mean, why, why
The fuck would he do that? I mean, like
He has- he has this teenage son
A teenager who likes the same movies that he
Does, and has a similar taste to him, I mean
He should be fucking celebrating- he
Should be fucking embracing that
And instead he fucking kicked me
Out of the room, so, I mean it's not that he
Didn't want, like- 'Zabriskie Point'
It has like a sex scene
And everything but it's not
Like he actually cared
About me not seeing that, and I
I know that he doesn't care
Because the next day
He offered to let me- he offers
To let me borrow it and- and watch it
On my own, and I was like
Thanks a fucking lot i really
Want to watch this movie
By myself after you kicked me out last night
But, um, yeah, that's basically, uh
When I started- or, when I
Just lost all respect for my
Dad that and my, uh
Seventeenth birthday party well, it
Wasn't a party, it was just
Me and my family, uh uh, we were eating cake
You know, I'd opened presents and we'd
Had a nice birthday dinner
And we were just topping off
The evening with some cake, and I was- I was
Fine, I was perfectly happy
And my sister, uh was talking to my mother
And she was imitating her boyfriend
My sister's boyfriend
My sister was imitating her
Boyfriend, uh, talking with, like, a
High-pitched voice, this high-pitched
You know, annoying voice, not
That loudly, I mean, i wasn't-
I wasn't paying attention, I was
Just eating my cake
I was fine, but my dad just interrupts her in
The middle of it, and he says… oh
What did he say, he said, like, yap yap yap
I just wanna eat without hearing any of this
Shrieking, and, you know
Just something incredibly rude
Like that so, you know
My sister's face fell, there was just this
Dead silence for like
Minutes, everybody's just
Like, picking at their cake
Noone's actually- everybody lost
Their appetite now and then after
A couple minutes my dad just walked out of
The fucking room and tosses his
Cake in the garbage
You know, fucking ruined my
Birthday, so, um, uh, after that I
Didn't really want anything to do
With my father but, um
Yeah, uh, 'Shortcuts' is a
Really good movie, yeah
We should definitely see that some time"

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