Cuffed Up - 10 for 10 songtext (lyrics)

[Cuffed Up - 10 for 10 songtext lyrics]

F-R-A-U-D, I'm a constant
F-R-A-U-D, I'm a monster
Am I just a lonely imposter?
Coming back around, coming back around

F-R-A-U-D, am I ostracized?
F-R-A-U-D, am I criticized? F-R-A-U-D is me
I'm a fraud, but I know
It's just a hard pill to swallow

Trust in the process
'Cause we're just enthusiasts

F-R-A-U-D, I'm no Einstein
F-R-A-U-D, I'm the headline
A partisan for free, I'm the cosign
Coming back around, coming back around

F-R-A-U-D, am I ostracized?
F-R-A-U-D, am I criticized? F-R-A-U-D is me
I'm a fraud, but I know
It's just a hard pill to swallow

Trust in the process
'Cause we're just enthusiasts
It's a falsified claim to the end
It's always a lie
And the truth, it's made to be buried alive
Death bed regrets, it's a fallacy
I can't affirm, but I seem to be
A bona fide ten for ten
And it's a shame that I left
It all out of my chest

Trust in the process
But we're just enthusiasts
It's a falsified claim to the end
It's always a lie
And the truth, it's made to be buried alive

A bona fide ten for ten

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