Cuffed Up - Terminal songtext (lyrics)

[Cuffed Up - Terminal songtext lyrics]

A pinch straight to the heart, it's common
A tremble to the hand, I’m bothered
The master plan is fucked for the others
It came and went so quickly, then I went in

I'm terminal for life
Holding on to the dear sight
That every moment's my last
The future’s got a plan for me, yeah

I want it all (So tell us a story)
I want it all (About the pain and the glory)
I want it all (That sets us all apart)

Hazy morning glow in my head
I'm restless, comatose, and morose
I'm losing context i called the void
It echoed back in circulating toxins
It all came and went so quickly
Then I went in

I'm terminal for life
Holding on to the dear sight
That every moment's my last
The future's got a plan for me, yeah

I want it all (So tell us a story)
I want it all (About the pain and the glory)
I want it all (That sets us all apart)

Hallelujah's coming back all over and over
Yeah, hallelujah's coming back
All over and over
Yeah, hallelujah’s coming back
All over and over
Yeah, hallelujah’s coming back
All over and over and over and over

I'm terminal for life
Holding on to the dear sight
That every moment’s my last
The future's got a plan for me, yeah

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