Cuffed Up - Small Town Kid songtext (lyrics)

[Cuffed Up - Small Town Kid songtext lyrics]

Leave the money on the table
Testify if I am stable
Drag me by the mouth until
I wanna bleed it out of here
Cause for concern is natural
Big dreams for a small town kid
I save it for myself
I don't want nobody's help

Outside is a little more substance
Inside is a little big lie
Northwest is a little more comfort
East coast living on the West End side
Right hand is it's' own temptation
Left hand is a sign of gold
I wanna feel it out
I wanna feel it out again

My compass is flawed by nature
Wrap my head around the greater good
But, it's waste of time
Thesе stripes don't bleed anymore
I'm a poser and a lonеr
Triple check my persona
Bad dreams from a simple place
So I can spin my wheels over and over again

Outside is a little more substance
Inside is a little big lie
Northwest is a little more comfort
East coast living on the West End side
Right hand is it's' own temptation
Left hand is a sign of gold
I wanna feel it out
I wanna feel it out again

Outside is a little more substance
Inside is a little big lie
Northwest is a little more comfort
East coast living on the West End side
Right hand is it's' own temptation
Left hand is a sign of gold
I wanna feel it out
I wanna feel it out again

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