Diverse One, Slime - Death Tally songtext (lyrics)

[Diverse One, Slime - Death Tally songtext lyrics]

Yo, this that shit

A 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5
I'll leave your man’s tormented and horrified
Dismembered Arms & Legs a Bloody Nose
Top it off with a Heart Attack or A Stroke
Vicious, Heinous, Fiendish Grim killers
Trapped in an illusion that
Makes us merciless
Bitch I'm the fire starter
I'll pop you if you don’t pay me
I'll kick a toddler
Rumi Carter cuz Fuck Jay-Z
Nah on the real doe, Im not tryna be edgy
I'm not tryna do shit just so cops arrest me
When I say I'll beat up
Somеone I won't beat him, indeed
All I'm doings advocating for
The freedom of speech
So join in, cmon say whatеver the fuck
Dykes, Faggot ass bitches
Guess what you all suck
I'll show this fuckass society I'll
Say what you call offensive
Then I’ll say this shit again
To make you all tensive

Said I’ll make you all tensive, I'll say what

Genocide, Homicide Twice
My baby momma committed infanticide
Rise in my death tally
Rise in my Death tally

6 a 7 a 8 a 9 a 10
Told you I’ll say all this shit again
I'll use my words as weapons to hurt you
Make you wanna always be in a curfew
If you see the good in evil you'll want
To adjust the font and say
What they tell you not to utter
But here's a message to every motherfucker
Who acts like I’m decollating a single mother
Everytime I talk
Making movements in the Streets
Feminists and Gays well I want
The right to speak

Genocide, Homicide Twice
My baby momma committed infanticide
Rise in my death tally
Rise in my Death tally

Like being sick, I'm ill
Give me some people to kill
Give me some blood to spill
Mental is how I feel yet I have no emotions
They're at a stand still
Like when you can't move just like you
You can't move now i took you out
Me killing is too wow
Everyone's about to get killed by me
I just said about killing thanks
To freedom of speech

Genocide, Homicide Twice
My baby momma committed infanticide
Rise in my death tally
Rise in my Death tally

Yea Homie, You Know How we Do This Shit
Uh Huh, Feel the wrath of the Diverse One
The Diverse One

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